A SOFTDRINK manufacturer recently donated 320 cartons of its products to a hospital charity group in appreciation for their work in the community. Pacific Industries Ltd delivered the cartons of its Pepsi Max canned drinks to the Friends of Pomgen (Port Moresby General Hospital) on Friday. The company has provided yearly donations to the Papua New Guinea’s(PNG) emergency services workers as a token of gratitude for their service to the community. Pacific Industries director Everett Chue said the company was pleased to make regular donations. “Healthcare workers have had a busy couple of years, and they always work incredibly hard to give their best, we’re happy to donate to the Friends of Pomgen, they are doing great things for the hospital,” she said.
Friends of Pomgen operations coordinator Grace Roland said her team were grateful for the donation as it would go to doctors and nurses to enjoy on their lunch and dinner breaks. “Donations that come in are based on our charity drives where we ask the public to support the hospital,” she said. The National / PNG Health Watch Next : Clinical Audit Report Into Death Of Teenager Before NEC Comments are closed.
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