![]() Right Honourable Paias Wingti, Governor of the Western Highlands Province went to Mt Hagen Hospital to get his vaccination against COVID 19. When asked about the getting the vaccine he said “we have no choice, everyone must get the vaccine and I strongly encourage all people in the Western Highlands over the age of 18 years to get the vaccine and protect yourselves.” The Governor further noted there are rumours and mistruths all over social media in regard to the vaccine and these should be ignored. The scientific evidence is clear, if you are vaccinated you will not get seriously ill or die from COVID 19. Governor Wingti also stated “We are aware that the delta strain of COVID 19 which is currently in more than 90 countries in the world including Australia, Indonesia and Fiji is a far more rapidly spreading type of the virus. In Fiji yesterday there were 791 new cases reported and only one month ago there were only 41 a day.
We have not yet seen this strain in PNG but we must be prepared and this preparation must include everyone getting the vaccine”. After a 15 minutes observation period the Governor left the vaccination tent stating he was “feeling good.” Note PNG has the 7th lowest vaccination rate in the world and outside of Africa has the lowest rate. Given the rapid spread of the delta strain throughout the world and despite the best efforts of PNG leaders, it is more likely a matter of when than if the strain hits PNG’s shores. Ends. Next: How To Slow Down Covid-19 Comments are closed.
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