THE 11th International Conference on HIV/AIDS in Asia Pacific was held in Bangkok, Thailand from Nov 18-23.
The theme of the conference was “Asia Pacific Reaching Triple Zero: Investing in Innovation”. A delegate from Papua New Guinea led by National AIDS Council chairman Dr Banare Bun attended the meeting. Bun explained that triple zero was the target for zero new HIV infections, zero death from the disease and zero discrimination of those living with the disease. He said the effectiveness of triple zero from a PNG perspective included the importance of using condoms. He said condom reduced HIV/AIDS by 99%. “People living with HIV/AIDS in PNG should live longer because there is treatment available,” Bun said. “However, some of the people living with HIV/AIDS are living in rural areas and settlements therefore access to medical supplies will be difficult for them. “Discrimination has been a challenge for people living with HIV/AIDS and we hope that it will be stopped,” he said. He said with more awareness and talks on HIV/AIDS, many families generally accepted and gradually understood and allowed their family member living with the virus to live among them. The National Related News
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