A doctor from PNG's Western Province and four (4) nurses from the Eastern Highlands died from COVID-19, as a result of not being vaccinated. These are among the two hot spot provinces of the country. Deputy Controller Dr. Daoni Esorom told NBC's Government talk back show last night, vaccination is everyone's best defence at this time of the third wave of the pandemic, with the possibility of the new cases being delta variant. Dr. Esorom says, presently, only around 3 per cent of Papua New Guineans are fully vaccinated, and around over 6 per cent of the eligible population who've gotten their first doses - which is still a long way to go;
''We have all the vaccines here, life-saving vaccines, free of charge, you won't pay anything, for goodness sake take it,'' said Dr Daoni Esorom. NBC News / PNG Health Watch Next : Mt Hagen General Hospital Faces Closure Due To Lack Of Government Funding Comments are closed.
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