SHADOW Health Minister Elias Kapavore is concerned about people dying while waiting in queues at the country’s biggest hospital to be seen by a doctor. He was responding to the concern raised by the Port Moresby General Hospital (PMGH) chief executive officer Dr Paki Molumi about the overcrowding especially in the Emergency Department. Kapavore said on his social media page it was “an unfortunate result of a dysfunctional and poorly managed provincial health authority” in the National Capital District. He agreed with Dr Molumi that the PMGH should only be seeing referral patients.
“(It must) draw a line on those who must be seen at the clinics in the nation’s capital,” he said. “This must happen immediately. “The Provincial Health Authority Act of 2007 does not review. “It needs a proper regulation as required under Section 56 of the Act to improve communication between the PHA boards and management, governors, provincial administration and stakeholders.” He agreed that the PMGH was overly burdened. “Upgrade Gerehu Hospital to a Level Five hospital and build a new Central Province Level Five hospital “to relieve PMGH”. Health Minister Jelta Wong earlier said primary health should be the focus of provincial health authorities. “This is a unified system that was aimed at improving a fragmented hospital services and rural health services network predominantly under the decentralised functional responsibility of provinces,” he said. The National / PNG Health News Next : PNG Public Servants Blasted For Not Wearing COVID-19 Masks Comments are closed.
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