PAPUA New Guinea vaccine cold chain and the coronavirus (Covid-19) logistics capacity response efforts have been boosted with more than K10.5 million from Japan recently. The Japanese grant assistance of US$3 million (K10,657,212) was contributed to the United Nation International Children’s Fund (Unicef) in PNG to help strengthen the vaccine cold chain equipment and the logistics capacity. According to a joint statement by the Japanese Embassy in PNG and Unicef, about 298 health facilities in the country would benefit from the fund that will help support vital monitoring aspects of the cold chain equipment required to safely store the Covid-19 vaccines. “The monitoring system will also be useful in the long-run for supporting routine immunisation programmes for children,” the statement said.
Japanese Ambassador to PNG Kuniyuki Nakahara said: “Presently, ensuring equitable access and swift distribution of vaccines are the common challenges for the international community towards containing the Covid-19. “This emergency grant is aimed at assisting the delivery of vaccines to each and every person who wishes to get vaccinated in PNG. “Since last year, Japan had supported the distribution of personal protective equipment’s, installation of water supply facilities in schools and the media campaign for hygiene practice to prevent the spread of the Covid-19. “We trust that Unicef’s wide network and rich experience will be effective in supporting vaccine distribution.” Statement/THeNational/PNGHealthNews Next : European Medical Team Arrives In PNG To Help Fight Covid-19 Comments are closed.
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