By: Dr. Samuel Maima Up this very end I am still not convinced with the way we handle the testing of C19. Why? Because URTIs are not only caused by C19 alone. How can we make sure PCR positive is true positive or false negative? We can only do specific C19 antibody tests. Not only that. We have to do specific antibody tests for all other RNA viruses that cause URTIs and exclude other RNA viruses that cause URTI symptoms similar to C19. This is not done here so how can we trust PCR?
PCR has 70% specificity and it can’t be concluded as GOLD STANDARD when it is not. PCR has huge windows of both false negatives and false positives because PCR can not delineate the RNA viral nucleic particles when RNA polymerase enzyme is added. This is the technical issue. For example, the positive PCR to C19 for the Asaro lady was not C19. It was HIV with opportunistic URTI infection all got screwed up by giving false impression onto the data of C19 included in the 9 C19 positive during the lock down. She was HIV positive when HIV antibody test was done at my request. No C19 test was done so we could not confirm it. When check and balances are not done by exclusion what sort of science and medicine is this? You guys have been deceived so stand up to it and challenge the validities of PCR? Where is this nonesense deceit and deceiption coming from? Can we see the difference? Consolidate the PCR report with some truth. The truth will only come when you do specific antibody tests to C19 and all other RNA viruses that cause URTIs that are endemic in our population including HIV. Let us lead the non scientific and non medical audience what they need to know. With Facts and Truth alone. The truth will set us free and I do not see the truth in all of the tests that we are advocating to date. Yesterday, SOE Controller categorically denied no other agents to conduct C19 tests. That is science and medicine denied so whose advice was SOE Controller uttering to the PNG audience? Don't you think it is from WHO? Why doing C19 on all the dead bodies in country? The fact that viruses are parasites depend entirely on the cell energy machinery of the living host and this case human host. In a non living the use of oxygen, glucose, fatty acid, amino acid and elemental minerals to the cells diminished so why doing tests on all dead corps here? Is it defying the normals if science in molecular biology of viruses? Yes it is indeed happening here and we have been deceived to believe it. WHO is responsible for all the deceit and you believe them and make your country broken economically because one is standing up to the test of scientific and medical knowledge here. Somewhere somebody is making huge money at our own ignorance. Dr. Samuel Maima Medical Practicioner|Director Medline Pacific Molecular Biologist & Chemist Ph: 7563 2844 Email: [email protected] Comments are closed.
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