NEW public health measures have been issued as a response to a surge in confirmed Covid-19 cases in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. A total of 23 cases have been reported. Bougainville’s Health Minister Raymond Masono issued a directive as a measure against the spread of the virus. In all, 17 health measures are now effective and in place until Dec 29. Among them are stepping up of a compulsory Covid-19 contact tracing within health facilities of Arawa, Buka and Buin, swabs on patients exhibiting flu-like symptoms and cough. All Covid-19 medical clearance certificates are to be issued by recognised public and private medical officers.
As compulsory requirement for entry into Bougainville through air and sea ports are lifted, all incoming and outgoing passengers to be tested, people at schools, churches, sea ports, airports, business houses, workplaces, social clubs, restaurants, public parks, markets, towns, and other public places have to observe social distancing of up to 2 metres, wear masks and wash hands. Alcohol consumption is to be regulated and overcrowding in public service vehicles are prohibited. The National / PNG Health News Next : PNG Deputy Health Secretary Dakulala Dies Comments are closed.
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