WOMEN from Kapao local level government (LLG) in Menyamya, Morobe, are still struggling to receive proper healthcare services, a local woman says. A mother of two, Cathy Henry, said local women were dying at childbirth simply because they were not able to see health workers in their area for advice and assistance. “The Government changes after every five years, but the LLG still remains the same,” she said. “We have a main road that links Bulolo with the Menyamya, but we don’t have roads that link wards to the main roads. “If there were complications during deliveries, we take the mothers to Bulolo Hospital because it is the closest. “Our district hospital is really far, people die along the way while trying to get there.” According to Henry, seeking emergency treatment was a costly exercise, only few could afford.
“The normal PMV fees are K30 from Kapao LLG to Bulolo,” she said. “But we pay about K300 when there is an emergency. “We don’t have mid-wives here because there is no aid post.” Henry highlighted that coffee was the only crop that they grew for an income. “We carry 50kg coffee bags and bilums from our villages, cross rivers, climb mountains just to get K150 or K200,” she said. “This is not enough and then when there is an emergency, all our savings go to cover the PMV and hospital fees.” The LLG has a newly built aid post which has a shortage of medicines and other medical equipment to serve the people. The National / PNG Health News Next : Review PNG Police Recruitment And Training Processes : Dr Comments are closed.
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