The St. Margaret's Community Health Worker (CHW) Training School is located in Popondetta in Oro Province. Students can contact the school on the following address for enrollment and for general information.
St. Margarets CHW Training School PO Box 142 Popondetta Oro Province Papua New Guinea Ph/fax: 329 9204 Email: Website:
The Telefomin Community Health Worker (CHW) Training School is located in Telefomin in West Sepik Province. Interested students who wish to study at the school can use the address below to contact them.
Telefomin CHW Training School PO Box 16 Mt Hagen WHP Papua New Guinea Ph: 05 61 1452 112062 Fax: 05 61 145 212062 Email: website: The Rumginae Community Health Worker (CHW )Training School is located in Kiunga in the Western Province of PNG. Contact the school on the following address for enrollment and general information.
Rumginae CHW Training School PO Box 41 Kiunga Western Province Papua New Guinea Ph: 548 3400 Fax: 548 3416 Email: [email protected] Website: The Raihu Community Health Worker (CHW) Training School is located in Aitape in West Sepik Province. The school trains community health workers to work in the rural areas. Below is the contact address for the school.
Raihu CHW Training School PO Box 13 Aitape WSP Papua New Guinea Ph: 857 2081 Email: Website: The Budoya Community Health Worker (CHW) Training School is located in Milne Bay Province. Interested students can contact the Health school on the address below.
Budoya CHW Training School PO Box 105 Alotau MBP Papua New Guinea Ph 641 1095 Fax: 641 1471 /641 1157 Email: Website: The Braun Community Health Worker (CHW) Training School is located in Finchafen in the Morobe Province of Papua New Guinea. Students who wish to study at this school to become community health worker can contact the school on the following address for application and general information.
Braun CHW Training School P0 Box 219 Finschhafen, Morobe P. Ph. 474 7066 /7065 Fax: 474 7077 Email: Website: The St. Gerard's Community Health Worker (CHW) Training school Veifa'a is located in Port Moresby. For enrollments, contact the school on the following address and phone numbers.
St. Gerard's Community Health Worker CHW Training school Veifa'a PO Box 7207, Boroko NCD Papua New Guinea Ph/fax: 329 9204 Email: website: Tinsley Community Health Worker (CHW) Training School is a Church urgency school which is run by Baptist Union of PNG.
The schools aim is to give second opportunity to those drop out student who are doing nothing back at the villages. They train them as a qualified competent Community Health Worker CHW in the country to work purposely in the remotest place in PNG. Tinsley CHW Training School PO Box 1027 Mt Hagen WHP Papua New Guinea Ph: 542 2390 Fax: 542 2832 Email: Website: Salamo CHW Training School/College is located in Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea. Non Schools leavers can contact the college on the address provided on the link below.
Salamo CHW Training School P O Alotau MBP Papua New Guinea Ph: 641 1741 Ph: 641 1102 Fax: 641 1157/1718 Email: Website: Onamuva Community Health Worker (CHW) Training College is located in the Onamuva valley in Kainantu, Eastern Highlands Province. You can contact the college on the following address.
Onamuva CHW Training School PO Box 97 Kainantu EHP Papua New Guinea Ph: 737 1279 Fax: 737 1279 Ph/Fax 325 0302 Email: [email protected] /[email protected] Website: |
PNG Community Health Workers Training SchoolsHere is the contact details of all the Community Health Workers Schools in PNG. Those students interested in studying the these CHW Training Schools should contact them on the addresses provided here. Healths News and Tips in Your Email: Subscribe Now |